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The one with her head still on (for now).

Two truths and a lie:


I spearheaded social content for @NowSimplified in collaboration with the 2020 Joe Biden Presidential Campaign.


I led Chapman’s National Student Advertising Competition team to the finals for the first time in almost 10 years.


I sang under the direction of Dr. Stephen Coker, who also taught Kristen Bell pre-Frozen.


It was Kristen Chenoweth, not Kristen Bell :)

Hello there! I'm Marie, a photographer, vocalist, and advertising professional. I am passionate, idealistically imaginative, meticulous, and fiercely nice.


I operate my photography business alongside my position at Wavemaker — the second largest media agency network in the world — on the Paramount Pictures International business.


I graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2020 from Chapman University with two degrees in Public Relations and Advertising (B.A.) and Strategic and Corporate Communication (B.A.).


I’m the textbook definition of a Jack of All Trades: I have experience in media planning, account management, photo production and editing, layout graphic design, social media marketing, communication research, and even vocal performance.


I’m pulled in such vast directions like entertainment, journalism, and environmental policy because I want to foster a lasting impact on others.

Collector of random knowledge. Classic movie-musical buff. Self-taught ukulele player. Plant mom. Doesn't bite but may sing uncontrollably.

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